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Greenlab Zurich Group

Greenlab Zurich Group

Why GreenLab?

Life sciences research requires many resources: Reagents, single-use consumables, energy for heating, cooling and computations, building space, conference travel. All these resources are associated with huge CO2 footprints. As scientists, we should be aware of these footprints and the damage that they cause to the world and try to find more sustainable solutions.


  • On 06 June 2024, we could award the first 9 labs at UZH and USZ with their shiny new LEAF Certificates. UZH News wrote about the event, signups for LEAF are still possible here.
  • ETH Ambassadors wrote about our work in May: Read here.
  • Since June 2023, we are running a pilot study of the Laboratory Efficiency Assesment Framework (LEAF) at ETH Zurich. Sign-ups still possible. Further Information.